Hampton Roads 海军后备军官训练队
Welcome to one of the nation's largest ROTC units
的 Hampton Roads Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps is one of the largest ROTC Units in the nation, consisting of 更多的 than 170 Sailors, 海军陆战队, 和见习船员.
我们的位置, close to the world's largest naval base, allows us to offer our students unparalleled leadership and hands-on training opportunities.
的 Hampton Roads Consortium is comprised of a six schools that include Old Dominion University, Norfolk State University, Hampton University, Regent University, Virginia Wesleyan University, Tidewater 社区 College.
Interested in our program? 联系 the HRNROTC recruiter at hrnrotc-recruiter@workplacemeds.com.
Curious about NROTC?
Would you like to request a color guard for your organization? Would your JROTC unit like to take a tour? 我们可以帮忙.
If you are a prospective student with questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the HRNROTC recruiter.